Establishing the effect of the primary literacy programme on literacy levels of grade four (4) learners in Chirundu district.
Njekwa, Njekwa
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The University of Zambia
The main purpose of the study was to establish the effect of the Primary Literacy Programme
on literacy levels of Grade 4 learners in selected primary schools in Chirundu District. The
study used qualitative data collection and analysis procedures to establish the effect of PLP in
Chitonga among the grade 4 learners under this programme four years after it had been
introduced. The researcher employed interviews and Focus group discussion to collect data
from 65 respondents comprising of 30 learners, 20 teachers, 5 Head teachers, 5 parents, 3
standards officers and 2 In-service Coordinators. Data was also collected using observation
methods and document analysis. The instruments used were observation checklist, interview
guide and focus group discussions guide.
This allowed the researcher to collect views on the effect of the primary literacy programme
on literacy levels based on the current low literacy levels among grade 4 learners. Data
obtained from learner performance in week 5 and 10 assessment was computed. Since this
was a cohort of 2014, the researcher tracked the performance of current grade 4 learners from
the time of enrolment into grade 1 in 2014. Data was based on the performance of learners for
the past four years using the assessment format as guided in National Literacy Framework of
2013. The current review establishes clearly that the factors that seemed to have the greatest
impact on the effect on the PLP are: family; pupils; teachers; administrators (internal and
external monitors) and school related. Some of the factors cited include: lack of PLP
materials; over enrolment; knowledge gap between standards officers and teachers and lack
of teacher mentorship by their immediate supervisors; teacher and pupils transfers from one
region to another of different languages background and lack of parental motivation.
A number of recommendations have come out of the study and the following are some of
them: The Ministry of General Education should secure grade 3 and 4 teaching and learning
materials (TLM) in schools for teachers to use during lesson planning. Teachers too, should
embrace the idea of making and using teaching and learning materials made from using
locally available resources (TALULAR) and the use of story decoding where they do not
have conventional materials. The Head teachers should carefully select competent teachers to
handle lower grades. Schools should intensify School Based Continuing Professional
Development (SBCPD) by revitalizing Grade Meeting at the Resource Centre (GRACE).
Primary literacy programme.