Impact of education leadership and management (ELM) training programme on school head teachers in selected primary schools in Kasama district of Northern province, Zambia.

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Chishimba, M. Justina
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The University of Zambia
This study sought to investigate the impact of education leadership and management (ELM) training programme on school head teachers in selected primary schools in Kasama district of Northern Province of Zambia. The study was necessitated by a number of school managers, particularly in Kasama district who have undergone training in ELM and have since obtained qualifications in this programme. However, the impact of ELM training programme on these graduates has not been established. Therefore, a research was conducted on selected schools in order to ascertain the impact of ELM training programme on its recipients. The objectives of the study were to: establish head teacher’s views on ELM training programme, to investigate the extent to which head teachers have applied the acquired skills of ELM training programme in their schools, and to establish the challenges head teachers encounter in applying ELM training programme in schools. The study was based on Goal setting theory. Goal setting theory shows how the field should progress from a well-known theoretical foundation to sophisticated research application of more effective management practice. It is widely applied in educational management since education is a highly result oriented discipline. The research design for this study was descriptive survey design. A total of 60 respondents comprising of 10 head teachers, 10 deputy head teachers, 10 senior teachers, 20 teachers, 5 standard officers and 5 Lecturers. The study adopted mixed survey methods meaning that data collection was done using qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The study used purposive sample technique to select the participants. In conducting the survey, document analysis, two sets of questionnaires and interview schedule were drawn up. One set was administered to the head teachers and the other one to Lecturers. Other information from the teachers were obtained using interview schedule only. Simple descriptive tables were employed to analyze the data in order to establish relationship between variables. The study found out that ELM has helped head teachers to improve overall school performance through prudent leadership and management skills of the institutions. It also promotes efficient and effective leadership and management skills for improved school performance against set goals by the ministry. The study recommended that there is need for ELM to be a prerequisite for one to be promoted to the position of head teacher, ELM should be one of the courses offered to all Colleges of Education including Universities that offer Education degrees and serving head teachers without ELM should be encouraged to undergo ELM training programme.
Impact of education leadership and management.