The status of guidance and counselling in selected primary schools in Lilanda zone, Lusaka district, Zambia.

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Zimba, Vundika
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The University of Zambia
This study was carried to find establish the status of guidance and counselling in selected schools of Lilanda zone,in Lusaka district. The objectives of the study were to: determine the type of guidance and counselling services provided in primary schools; establish the category of students who benefit more from counselling and guidance; determine the challenges faced by guidance and counselling teachers in schools; and explore prospects of guidance and counselling in primary schools in Lilanda zone, in Lusaka district. A survey design was employed by the study. A sample of 57 consisting of 30 pupils, 15 teachers, 6 administrators and 6 guidance and counselling teachers was drawn.Data was collected using interview guides. Data was analysed thematically and results presented in figures and narrations.The study revealed thatthe main type of guidance and counselling services offered in these schools was personal guidance and counselling. The other types offered were vocational, educational and disciplinary guidance and counselling. The study also revealed that the category of pupils that benefit more from guidance and counselling were those aged 12 years and above. It also revealed that the main challenges faced by guidance and counselling teachers was lack of office space, lack of materials, high guidance teacher- pupil ratio and lack of support in terms of materials and other necessities. Pupils were also found to feel shy and feared being stigmatized forattending guidance and counselling sessions. Theprospects for guidance and counselling in these schools looked bright as the government had committed itself to supporting it. The study concluded thatthe government recognised the need to support guidance and counselling in schools and that school authorities were positive about the future of guidance and counselling.The recommendations of the study were that: the Ministry of General Educationshould employ trained full-time guidance and counselling teachers in schools; provide appropriate and adequate materials for counselling purposes;and put in place a deliberate policy that would allow provision of guidance and counselling to lower grades in primary schools which was lacking.
Guidance and counselling--Schools. , Counselling in schools. , Zambia. Ministry of Education. Psychological Service. , Educational counseling--Zambia--Periodicals. , Educational counseling.