The relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership of female head teachers in management of human resource in selected secondary schools of Lusaka district.

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Mwila, Agness M.
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The University of Zambia
Female leaders are thought to be emotional by nature and that emotions affect their performance. Female head teachers who run secondary schools are not left out. This study was therefore carried out to establish the relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership of female head teachers in the management of human resource in selected secondary schools of Lusaka district. The research was guided by the following general question; „Is there a relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership of female head teachers in the management of human resource in selected secondary schools of Lusaka district?‟ The research was qualitative in approach and a descriptive survey design was used. Research instruments that were used included interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. The area of study was Lusaka district, particularly Lusaka urban. Both purposeful and random sampling methods were used in the selection of participants. Six (6) secondary schools were sampled. Sample size was 43 comprising of six (6) female head teachers, six (6) teachers and thirty (30) pupils, and the District Education Standards‟ Officer (DESO). The findings of the study were that most female head teachers of Lusaka district were aware of the term emotional intelligence and how emotional competencies contributed to effectiveness in terms of management of human resource. These competencies included self awareness, social skills, self regulation, motivation and empathy. The conclusion vi from the study is that there is a relationship between emotional intelligent and effective leadership of female head teachers in management of human resource in selected secondary schools of Lusaka district. Recommendations are that the MOE should introduce compulsory training on development of emotional intelligence competencies to female head teachers. Key terms: Emotional intelligence, Effective leadership, Female head teachers, Human resource.
School leadership--Female teachers. , Educational leadership.