Analysis of quality assurance systems in selected private universities in Lusaka district.
Kajala, Mathias Mooba
Daka, Harrison
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The University of Zambia
Higher education institutions in developing nations are increasingly emphasizing quality
assurance, as seen by the creation of pertinent national and institutional policies, structures, and
processes. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the quality assurance systems in selected
private universities in Lusaka district. This study was guided by four objectives namely to assess
the infrastructure available for students learning, to ascertain the credentials of academic staff and
other staff, to explore how the financial capacity of the selected private universities impacts their
internal and external operations and to establish the measures private universities need to put in
place to ensure quality assurance. The study was guided a case study research design. The data
was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. The data collected was subjected to
thematic and descriptive analysis. The study revealed that infrastructure is an essential component
of the learning environments universities. The study further revealed that some lectures at private
universities don’t actually have the academic credentials they claim to have. The study further
revealed that the financial capacity of selected private universities impacts their internal and
external operations in a negative way as it was dependent on tuition fees from students.
Following the research findings and in response to the conclusions drawn from the study the
following recommendations have been made; Private universities must set up quality assurance
units to safeguard the general interest of all stakeholders in sound standards and maintenance of
high quality education. It will encourage continuous improvement in the management of quality
academic processes. Private universities need to find other alternative sources of funding in order
to reduce sole dependency on fees. Private universities should establish a staff exchange program
especially the non- teaching staff with already established universities especially public
GSJ: Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023 368
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2023
universities. Management of the private universities should put in place modern financial
management control systems especially adoption of computer related packages to make sure they
are able to plan properly and avoid financial surprises
Key Terms: Quality assurance, Private Universities, Financial capacity, Infrastructure, Academic
Quality assurance--Private universities. , Quality assurance--Higher learning.