A comparative study of Tonga and Ila.

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Hambizi, Harriet
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The University of Zambia
This study investigated some linguistic variations of the two languages namely, Ila spoken in Namwala, Itezhi-Tezhi, Mumbwa districts in the central parts of Zambia and Tonga spoken in Gwembe, Sinazongwe and Maamba districts in the southern and central parts of Zambia. The aim of the study was to establish the linguistic variations and similarities in terms of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical parameters between the two languages under study. The data were collected using qualitative method. It was collected through using the eight informants. Four were from Namwala District in Maala and banamwaze areas. The other four informants were from Sinazongwe, Maamba and Gwembe Districts in Southern province. Participants were given lists of words and sentences in English each one of them. They were asked to provide the equivalents in each given language. Data fromTonga were provided through the researcher’s intuition being a first language speaker. The Data was verified by three other speakers of Tonga as first language. Ila was provided through the Native speakers of the language and was verified by the other two speakers of Ila as first language. Introspection was also used as the researcher is conversant with Ila. Furthermore, the Data were then recorded on digital recorder and later were transcribed. The researcher used a notebook to record words and sentences that were captured by observations. The data analysis of all the data collected was conducted in line with the objectives of the study of the two languages. Thereafter, the findings were analysed and later interpreted according to the levels of linguistic analysis applied in the study. The major findings of the study were that Tonga manifested variations and similarities at various levels of linguistic analysis in relation to Ila.There are few differences between Ila spoken in Namwala and Tonga spoken in Maamba, Gwembe and Sinazongwe districts. In addition, the study found that there were lexical differences exhibited among the two languages, followed by syntactic and phonological variations which were found to be few between the two languages. Tonga and Ila shared more similarities in terms of their morphological structure and lexical. Among others, one of the major recommendations made was that a large scale study, beyond the current one on comparative of Tonga and Ila languages be carried out in order to include other languages from Lake Tanganyika and Zimbabwe so that the conclusions to be made would be based on all forms of the Tonga and Ila languages therefore.
This is degree of master of arts in linguistic science
Language and languages--Variation. , Linguistic change. , Sociolinguistics. , Ila language--Dictionaries. , Ila language--Grammar. , English language--Dictionaries--Ila. , Ila language. , Ila (African people).