Effects of Inadquate Water Supply on Community Health-A Case Study of Zambia Compound-Kafue District, Zambia

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Muma, Maureen
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This dissertation examines effects of inadequate water supply on the health of Zambia Compound Community in Kafue District. Both Secondary and Primary sources of information have been used. Secondary sources used were from books, the internet, journals and news papers. The primary source used was a questionnaire administered to respondents in Zambia Compound in Kafue District. Results from the indicators which have been considered to give us the effects of inadequate and clean water supply on community health in Zambia Compound i.e. quality of water, quantity of water and occurrence of diseases associated with water showed the following: • Nine (9) water samples collected for bacteriological analysis. Seven (7) out of the total number of samples showed a high number of faecal coliform and presence of E coli, which revealed that the water was unsatisfactory for human consumption; • All respondents did not know the minimum amount of water for domestic purposes which is 50l/c/d (‘lifeline’ per capita water consumption); and • Occurrence of diseases like Dysentry 277 cases, Non bloody Diarrhoea 2195 cases, Malaria 13779 cases and Schtosomiasis 26 cases were recorded from Zambia Compound. The study has showed that Zambia Compound in Kafue District is at risk of water related diseases outbreak such as those indicated above. It is therefore recommended that Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) should provide piped clean water in form of kiosks and communal taps to the compound to prevent occurrence of diseases and continued health education by health staff on importance of: • Using clean wholesome water for domestic uses, which is 50l/c/d (‘lifeline’ per capita water consumption); • Treating their water by boiling or using liquid chlorine; • Washing hands with soap after using the toilet and after changing baby’s nappies; • Washing vegetables before eating them; • Using minimum safe toilet i.e. dug about 3 metres deep; and • Seeking early treatment for diarrhoeal diseases.
Water Supply--Community