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Detection of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing enterobacterales from diseased chickens and estimation of antimicrobial usage from antibiotics importation and sales data in Lusaka district, Zambia.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Chileshe, Chikwanda
Poultry products in Zambia form an integral part of the human diet in many households, as they are more affordable and easier to produce as compared to other sources of animal protein. However, the burden of poultry diseases has remained a major challenge, hindering the growing consumer demand for poultry products in Zambia. This has resulted in non-prudent antimicrobial use on farms, with the intent to prevent and treat poultry diseases for growth optimization and maximising profits. This study aimed to identify the different types of extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL) producing Gram negative bacteria (GNB) causing diseases in chickens in Lusaka and to asses possible association between antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Lusaka, which involved the collection of samples from diseased chickens at three different post-mortem facilities. Importation data was gathered from antimicrobial usage (AMU) data collection report from the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MOFL) whilst sales data was collected from the largest outlet of veterinary pharmaceutical products in Zambia. A total of 215 samples were collected and screened for GNB. Of these samples, 103 tested positive for various clinically relevant Enterobacterales, including Enterobacter (43/103, 41.7%), Escherichia coli (20/103, 19.4%), Salmonella (10/103, 9.7%), and Shigella (8/103, 7.8%). Other isolated bacteria included Yersinia, Morganella, Proteus, and Klebsiella, which accounted for 21.4%. Only E. coli, Enterobacter, Salmonella, and Shigella were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion due to their public health significance. The AST results revealed that E. coli, Enterobacter and shigella were highly resistant to tetracycline, ampicillin, amoxicillin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, while Salmonella showed complete susceptibility to all tested antibiotics. The observed resistance patterns correlated with antimicrobial usage estimated from the importation and sales data. The broth microdilution test was used to quantify for cefotaxime resistance. Results from this test showed that only fourteen (14/103, 13.5%) were resistant to cefotaxime. Eight of the fourteen isolates were Enterobacter whilst the remaining six were E. coli. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was then used to screen for the genes blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaOXA and blaSHV. All Six (6/14, 42.9%) of the E. coli isolates carried the gene blaCTX-M whilst only four carried the gene blaTEM. On the other hand, all eight (8/14, 57.1%) of the Enterobacter isolates carried the gene blaTEM whilst only four of the isolates harboured the gene blaCTX-M. Sanger sequencing of the PCR products revealed that five (5/6,83.3%) of E. coli isolates carried the blaCTX-M-15 allele. These results suggest the presence of pathogenic ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in poultry, threatening public health.
A meta-analysis on the antibiotic resistance patterns of brucella strains in humans.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Munang’andu, Mwiza
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease threatening livestock productivity and human health, especially in low-income regions. Brucella-induced infections present significant treatment challenges due to the limited intracellular penetration of antibiotics, leading to prolonged treatment durations and elevated risks of treatment failure and relapse. The emergence of antibiotic resistance further exacerbates these challenges, presenting an impending public health threat. This study aims to analyze the global prevalence of antibiotic resistant Brucella strains in humans in order to manage and control antimicrobial resistance. A meta-analysis was performed to assess the prevalence of antibiotic resistant Brucella strains. Peer-reviewed research publications were gathered from the 14th August, 2023 to 12th September, 2023, through a literature search utilizing the following keywords :("Brucella") AND "Antibiotic susceptibility," OR "Antibiotic resistance," OR "Antibiotic sensitivity," OR "Antibiotic activity" OR "Antimicrobial susceptibility" OR "Antimicrobial resistance " OR "Antimicrobial sensitivity " OR "Antimicrobial activity" "Antibacterial susceptibility" OR " Antibacterial resistance " OR "Antibacterial sensitivity" OR " Antibacterial activity" OR " Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing" OR "Microbial Sensitivity" OR "Microbial resistance" OR "Antibiogram") in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science-Direct. The study examined online research articles published from 2008 to 2022, specifically concentrating on English studies. A total of 19 eligible studies representing 10 countries and 1, 798 samples were included. Brucella melitensis was isolated in all the studies, with two other Brucella species found in two studies; Brucella abortus in Turkey and Brucella suis in Malaysia. The global pooled prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria was 9% (95% CI: 6-13%). Brucella strains showed the highest antibiotic resistance to macrolides at a prevalence of 58% (95% CI: 0-100%) followed by ansamycins at 35% (95% CI: 17-56%), then betalactams at 7% (95% CI: 0-26%), sulfonamides at 4% (95% CI: 0-19%), aminoglycosides at 1% (0- 1%), and fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and cephalosporin at 0% (95% CI: 0-1%). The study observed significant bacterial resistance to macrolides and ansamycins specifically, azithromycin and rifampicin, suggesting the need for an alternate treatment considering that the combination of rifampicin with doxycycline is the recommended treatment of human brucellosis. The study also indicates moderate resistance to sulfonamides and beta-lactams whereas tetracyclines, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides remain extremely effective.
Exploring the pedagogy of civic education in social studies at junior secondary school in Masaiti district : a hermeneutic phenomenological approach.
(The University of Zambia, 2022) Mufalo, Setwin Mutau
The current study was conducted to explore the pedagogy of Civic Education in Social Studies at junior secondary school in Masaiti district. The study was purely qualitative in nature, which integrated constructivist and interpretivist paradigms. A hermeneutic phenomenological design also guided the study. In addition, homogenous selective (purposive) sampling technique was employed to elicit the lived experiences of twelve (12) participants using semi-structured questionnaires, semi-structured interviews guides and observation schedules. The study revealed that Civic Education through Social Studies enabled learners to acquire relevant competences as well as knowledge on governance and corruption. Further, the study established that the component was taught using traditional mode of delivery (lecture method) by teachers mostly not trained in Civic Education. In addition, the study identified many challenges associated with the teaching of the subject namely: shortage of qualified Civic Education teachers and a dearth of teaching/learning materials, school infrastructure and financial resources. Others were inadequate contact time, low literacy levels among learners, substandard textbooks and integration of Civic Education into Social Studies. These highlighted challenges according to participants contributed to poor academic performance of learners in Social Studies during school based assessments and the final examination. In order to ameliorate the highlighted challenges associated with the teaching of Civic Education through Social Studies at junior level, the following recommendations were made: (i) Ministry of Education (MoE) should employ adequate qualified Civic Education teachers in schools; (ii) Teachers should teach the subject using 21stcentury teaching approaches (learner-centred activities); (iii) MoE should fund schools to enable them procure enough and quality teaching/learning materials and fund educational tours; (iv) MoE through DEBS office and school administrators should enhance teacher monitoring and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes in schools; (v) MoE should adopt the use of the suggested CEPCK framework in schools; (vi) MoE and Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) should collaborate and disintegrate Social Studies into standalone subjects; (vii) MoE should first conduct a feasibility study before any curriculum review; and (viii) MoE should first implement curriculum reforms in universities and colleges before rolling them out in schools. In conclusion, the study revealed that Civic Education enabled learners to acquire relevant competence, it was taught using lecture method and its delivery was associated with many challenges, which contributed to poor academic performance of learners in Social Studies.
An investigation on the effects of youth unemployment on increased crime in Lusaka district of Zambia: a case study of Chibolya compound.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Banguna, Barbara Zyambo
This study explored how Zambia's high youth unemployment rate affected the rising crime rate of Lusaka Province's Chibolya Compound in Lusaka District. The research employed a case study design. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered using structured and semistructured questionnaires. The secondary goals were to assess the major causes of youth unemployment on increased crime in Chibolya Compound, discover the impact of unemployment among youths in Chibolya Compound, understand how these youths survive without employment, and identify government programs that could mitigate youth unemployment. Sixty (60) purposefully chosen adolescents were given questionnaires and guides with which to gather data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Microsoft Word, and Excel were used for analysis. This study was motivated by the realization that until the root causes of the high unemployment rate for youth were found, no meaningful solution to this issue can be implemented. The unemployed adolescents participated in the study's survey because we believed that they were in a better position to provide important primary data because they were the ones who knew their circumstances and the reasons behind them the best. The findings indicated that economic recession, a lack of life skills, and little exposure to the job market were the major contributory factors to youth unemployment in the district of Lusaka. Other indicated causes include a lack of opportunities to access some industries, a lack of skills, low education levels, corruption and nepotism, and low entrepreneurship levels combined with financial challenges. However, this results in criminal activities, prostitution, excessive alcohol consumption, and poverty due to low or no income. To address the challenge of high unemployment among youths, the country must first attend to these causes. This study recommended that to improve the livelihoods of Kanyama's youths, they should be given priority when there are employment opportunities within their communities, such as road or drainage construction. Youths would also address underlying cause of unemployment by building affordable schools at all levels and ensuring that life skills and high-quality education are provided. The government should create jobs to reduce the consequences of high youth unemployment. Additionally, the government and all stakeholders should confront this matter before it degenerates into an uncontrollable situation. This study also recommended encouraging youths to stop selling cannabis and form cooperatives to access Community Development Fund (CDF) to venture into business. The study also recommends that awareness campaigns about the National Youth policy should be occur.
Perceptions of employees regarding performance management systems in the private sector: a case study of First National Bank Zambia (FNBZ).
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Simanela, Memory
BSTRACT This study explored the perception of employees regarding Performance Management System (PMS) at FNB Zambia. A mixed-methods approach was employed, including survey data from 130 respondents and key informant interviews with departmental managers. The demographic characteristics of the respondents were analysed, revealing a balanced representation across gender, diverse age-groups, education levels, marital status, and tenure lengths. Findings indicate that a significant portion of employees perceive the PMS as lacking in clarity regarding performance expectations and goals, fairness in implementation, and timely feedback provision. Job satisfaction levels were found to be relatively low, with mixed perceptions regarding the effectiveness of the PMS. Factors influencing the mixed perception referred to above, include communication from managers, training and development opportunities, rewards and recognition and peer feedback. Key informant interviews underscored the importance of clear goals, regular feedback, fairness, development opportunities, and alignment with organizational values in shaping employee perceptions of the PMS. Challenges such as lack of clarity, bias, insufficient feedback, limited development opportunities, and lack of recognition were identified. Recommendations include improving communication, goal clarity, fairness, feedback mechanisms, and development opportunities within the PMS to enhance employee satisfaction and performance. Addressing these factors can contribute to a more effective and impactful performance management system aligned with organizational goals and employee needs. Key words: Performance Management, Rewards, Recognition, Appraisal, Feedback