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African Digital Health Library (ADHL) - Zambia The African Digital Health Library (ADHL), Zambia node, makes available health related content ranging from theses, dissertations, and Ministry of Health reports from Zambia.Agricultural Sciences AGRICEducation EDEngineering ENGExamination Past Papers
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The effect of corporate social responsibility on the company performance in the telecommunication sector: a case of ZAMTEL ltd.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Masiye, Sylvester Inambao
Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as a concept whereby businesses willingly integrate social, environmental and ethical standards into their operations in order to improve the organisation‟s performance, lives of employees, local communities and the society as a whole. The study focused on determining the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the company in the telecommunication sector: a case of Zamtel Limited. Previous studies have mainly focused on investigating the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and the company‟s financial performance. Very little information is available on the concept with regard to the reasons why companies in the mobile telecommunication industry are engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility programmes. The researcher used a descriptive research design. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to select a sample which comprised managers, unionised employees and customers of Zamtel limited. Out of a sample of 145 participants, only 120 questionnaires were answered and returned. This represented an 85 % response rate which was very satisfactory. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire which had both quantitative and some qualitative questions. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study showed that the independent variables being; the economical, ethical, legal and philanthropic responsibilities had a relationship with the dependent variable which is the company performance. The conclusion of this study was based on the multiple linear regressions, which examined the cumulative effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The multiple linear regressions gave a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.979, which showed that the relationship between the four independent variables cumulatively on the dependent variable was very strong and positively correlated. This implied that by investing in Corporate Social Responsibility, companies in the telecommunication sector will have improved performance owing to customer and employee
loyalty among other reasons. The study recommends that Zamtel Ltd invests in its employees and increases the support to social causes.
Factors limiting Lusaka city council from effectively delivering fire and rescue services: a case of Lusaka fire brigade unit.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Hamulangu, Steward
The Provision of Fire and Rescue Services in Zambia is offered by the Fire Authorities under the Ministry of Local Government. Firefighting is the act of attempting to prevent the spread of fire and extinguish significant unwanted fires in buildings, vehicles, woodlands, among others. The Constitution of Zambia establishes firefighting as a function of local government and in this the Lusaka City Council. This research sought to study the management of fire and rescue services in Lusaka: A case of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit. In the recent past years Zambia has witnessed an unprecedented rise in fire incidences where properties worth millions of Kwachas have been destroyed. The study objectives included examining the extent to which human resource capacity of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services; investigate the extent to which financial capacity of the Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services and establish how equipment of Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit accounts for limitations to effectively deliver fire and rescue services in Lusaka City. The
methodology was mainly qualitative approach though some quantitative approaches were applied. A descriptive survey design was used where the researcher administered interview guides to four key informants as a mode of collecting data, and questionnaires to 152 firefighters. The findings revealed that human resource at Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit was not enough despite being in tandem with the staff establishment that is 184 out of 190 and six on separation. The fire brigade unity is poorly funded; budgets were never met. Equipment, PPP is not modern and enough, fire trucks were few and unreliable, there were few fires hydrating points and no fire detecting system, among other hindrances. Recommendations include; make Lusaka Fire Brigade Unit a Department from being a section. Establish several satellite fire stations and increase human resource to enhance fire and rescue services delivery. The government to increase the budgetary allocation to the Ministry of Local Government for the procurement of various equipment for the fire brigade unit. Resolve the defective 993 toll free fire emergency line.
Leaving no pre-schooler behind: using digital technology to foster emergent literacy skills of preschool children from resource-constrained environments in Lusaka province, Zambia.
(The University of Zambia, 2024) Serenje, Janet
This study investigated how a digital intervention programme influenced the development of emergent literacy skills, including rhyme awareness, vocabulary, and story comprehension, in preschool children from resource-constrained environments in Lusaka province, Zambia. The study was quantitative and employed a between-subjects randomised controlled experimental design. A sample of 353 children (Mage=81.1 months; SD=15.7) from 14 government
preschools in Lusaka, Chilanga, and Kafue districts of Lusaka province was randomly assigned to one intervention and two control groups. Children in the intervention group listened to and watched digital animated stories and rhymes 4 times a week for six weeks (which translated into a total intervention time of 4 hours, 46 minutes, and 8 seconds per child). To control for the effect of technology, the children in the control I group played a non-literary video game (Subway Runner downloaded from Combine, Inc.). In control group II, children continued with their usual classroom activities (scheduled on the school
timetable). Data at pretest and post-test were collected using various assessment tools, including the picture rhyming test rhyme production test, expressive one-word picture vocabulary test, receptive one-word picture vocabulary test, retelling, and question-and answer comprehension tests. A linear mixed effect analysis was used to assess the intervention's impact on rhyme awareness, vocabulary, and story comprehension skills. Results revealed that the intervention group significantly outperformed the two control groups in vocabulary and story comprehension but not in rhyme awareness. Thus, the study provides empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of digital animated stories and rhymes in enhancing early literacy skills, particularly vocabulary and story comprehension, among Zambian preschool children. The study recommends integrating these resources as supplements to printed materials for preschoolers in preschools and homes. By using these digital instructional tools alongside traditional printed materials, educators and parents can create engaging learning experiences that support children's overall early literacy development.
2018/2019 Engineering Past Exam Papers
(University of Zambia, 2020) University of Zambia
2018/2019 Education Past Examination Papers
(University of Zambia, 2020) University of Zambia