Truck drivers’ environmental and energy literacy at Chirundu border post: an attitudes and exploratory analysis.
Mweemba, Liberty
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Social and behavioral research is crucial for securing environmental
sustainability and improving human living environments. There
is a growing awareness to the role that natural resources such
as water, fuel, land, forests, and environmental amenities play in
our lives. There are many competing uses for natural resources,
and society is challenged to manage them for improving social
well-being. The main objective of this study was to explore driver
attitudes about energy and the environment as a basis for modelling
behaviour and educational programs to encourage truck drivers
to reduce engine idling as a way to cut down on diesel emissions
and fuel consumption. It has proven difficult, however, to target
education and outreach to truck drivers, partially because little is
known about them. Based on interview survey of 31 drivers who
were randomly sampled, the link between drivers’ environmental
and energy attitudes and their adoption of idle-reduction measures
were examined. The results of this survey on the environment show
that truck drivers attach great value to the environment and are
increasingly aware of the role that the environment plays in their
lives. The environment has an indisputable importance in the lives
of citizens. However, their green attitudes do not always translate
into environmentally friendly behaviour and concrete actions.
Therefore the main challenge revealed by this survey appears to
be how to better inform truck drivers about environmental issues
and encourage them to act on their environmental convictions.
The study recommends some form of environmental education
and education for sustainable development (ESD) that may help
truck drivers acquire knowledge that promotes behavioral change
towards environmental citizenship.
Key words: environment, energy, literacy, education, knowledge,
Journal Article