The effectiveness of child participation in child centred non governmental organizations in Zambia: the case of World vision Zambia’s Choongo and Magoye cluster area programs.
Ndonji, Mulemba Future
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The University of Zambia
This report evaluates effective child participation in child centred Non-Governmental Organizations in Zambia; The case of World Vision Zambia’s Choongo and Magoye Cluster Area Programs (AP). This chapter provides a background of the study wherein the general information about Zambia is provided. The chapter also highlights the key elements of the study in the context of the Zambian situation. Further, it discusses the study site which is World Vision Zambia and more specifically the operations of Choongo and Magoye Area Programme. Consequently, the statement of the problem, research objectives and the significance of the study are provided. It then concludes with the theoretical and conceptual frameworks as well as ethical considerations.
Thesis of Master of Communication for Development.