A critical analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Zambian Human Rights Commission in the promotion and protection of human rights in Zambia
Siame, Ismail B.
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This essay sets out to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of the human Rights Commission in the promotion and protection of human rights in Zambia. Chapter one considers the historical background of the concept of human rights. It focuses on the protection of human rights in the pre-colonial era and the colonial era. This chapter demonstrates that the illiteracy of the vast majority of people in the pre-colonial period led to their ignorance of their rights. Consequently, they could not claim their rights. On the other hand, the colonial period was highly characterised by racism, hatred, cruelty and discrimination. Therefore, it was extremely difficult for Africans to enjoy their rights under such harsh circumstances. Chapter two considers the promotion and protection of human rights before and after the establishment of the Human Rights Commission. Examined is the question whether the one party state was compatible with the effective protection of human rights. Chapter three evaluates the degree to which national human rights institutions are successful in carrying out their mandate to promote human rights and protect the rights of citizens. The chapter assesses how national human rights institutions acquire legitimacy and a reputation for effectiveness. Ultimately, the chapter considers the effectiveness of the Zambian Human Rights Commission in the promotion and protection of Human.Rights as compared to Human Rights Commissions in other Jurisdictions like South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. Lastly, Chapter five considers the achievements of the Zambian Human Rights Commission. The Chapter demonstrates that since its inception, the Human Rights Commission has been quite successful in achieving most of its core objectives. This is evident from the reports published annually which show that the commission has been frequenting prisons and other places of detention with a view to inspecting conditions of prisoners held in such places. Further, the Chapter shows that the commission has engaged itself in a number of sensitization and education programs with a view to educating people on their rights and freedoms, and finally, it shows that the commission carries out investigations on human rights abuses and violations with a view to recommending appropriate punishment for the perpetrators.
Human rights-Zambia , Civil Rights-Zambia