Procurement of construction projects in Zambia: A lega overview of the public sector approach

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Mabuku, Sitali Collins
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This paper is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter a discvission of the construction industry in Zambia has been undertaicen. Emphasis is laid on its importance in relation to the national economy; its composition and its past and present performances.Chapter two analyses the concept of procurement as applied to the public sector generally and to the construction industry in particular. The discussion centres most on the various public procurement policy objectives typical to most governments. The term public procurement has been defined and the various bodies subjected to public procurement have been highlightedThe third chapter discusses the construction project procurement cycle; specifically examining the organizational structure used by the public sector to acquire construction projects.The main thrust in the fourth chapter is on the legal environment surrounding the project procurement process. It has been shown that the jiroject procurement process together with the institutional and administrative structure upon which it rests cannot exist in a vacuum. It is supported by a legal framework. All the existing laws that impact on pubhc procurement of construction projects have been examined. Particular emphasis has been put on the Zambia National Tender Board Act together with its subsidiary legislation encompassed institution instruments. The fifth and last chapter is an attempt to summarize the entire research in very few words. It begins with a number of recommendations which, in the view of the writer can add to the perfection of the legal environment surrounding the procurement of construction projects by the public sector. The idea is to come up with a legislation that will address the subject matter of public procurement in a manner more reflective of the current situation in our country. It ends up with conclusions drawn from the research.
ublic contracts -Zambia , Construction contracts--zambia