A study to investigate the relationship between Cattle ownership and Maize production by small scale farmers of Maala Agricultural Camp-Namwala District

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Limbuwa, Benedict
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Although the people of Maala Agricultural Camp own a lot of herds of cattle, their maize production level is not known. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between cattle ownership and maize production. The study was a descriptive research design.In Maala, cattle play an important part in the cultivation of maize. It is used for land preparation, a source of organic manure and for sale in order to earn money for purchasing of agricultural inputs. Other uses include, pulling of ox drawn vehicles, marriages, and slaughtering during funerals as a source of food for mourners.From the study, it was discovered that, there was a perfect high positive correlation between cattle ownership and maize production. 80% of the respondents who had high maize production also own cattle while 20% of the respondents who had low maize production do not own cattle but depend on hired oxen to cultivate their fields. Their low production was attributed to lack of oxen to provide farm power to enable them cultivate large hectarage of land.Although Maala is well renowned for cattle, not everyone owns it. Most of the cattle have died due to the outbreak of corridor disease. This has given impetus to a shift from over reliance on cattle to maize production. Hence maize production has become their livelihood.
Farming Management-Zambia , Small Scale Farmers-Zambia