Waste to energy potential assessment : case study of Ndola.
Mutelo, Wildie
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The University of Zambia
Waste to Energy is a Suitable option for municipal Solid Waste Management and a source of
renewable energy. Generation of massive waste due to population growth and urbanization and an
energy down turn in Zambia particularly Ndola is a daunting task for the city. The purpose of this
study was to assess the potential for waste to energy generation in Ndola. To achieve this, the study
assessed disposal methods used and waste composition in the city of Ndola in Zambia.
The demographic characteristic of the study was drawn from Ndola with respondents from Ndola
city council, independent Waste pickers, Informal waste pickers and selected housing units across
the city compromising of High cost , medium cost and Low cost.
To answer to the objectives the study, the researcher employed a survey approach with simple
random sampling method where qualitative as well as quantitative survey questionnaires were used
to gather data, and entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), then tabulated and
analysed using Excel and presented in percentages, frequencies, cross tabulation and correlation
The Waste to Energy (WtE) opportunities in Ndola were carried out in the context of simulating
two scenarios: Biomethanation and Incineration. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
(IPCC) default model was presented to estimate emission of methane from municipal solid waste
at kaloko landfill site Ndola, Zambia. Findings revealed that the estimated Net Annual methane
emission potential from solid waste landfills was 22.09 (Gg/yr.) in the year 2015, giving a net power
Generation Potential of 7.57MW.The maximum methane production rate by the IPCC default
model was calculated to be 32.2(Gg/yr.) and was observed during the year 2035, giving a Net Power
Generation Potential of 11.07MW. The power generation potential for Ndola was estimated at
21MW in the year 2015 resulting in Energy Generation Potential of 0.52GWh from incineration.
The Maximum Power generation potential was estimated in the year 2035 giving a Net Power
Generation Potential from Incineration of 7.87MW.The Energy Generation potential was found to
be 0.75GWh in the year 2035 at an efficiency of 25 percent. Biomethanation can be used as the
most suitable technology in Ndola due to availability of degradable organic waste stream
(134.13Gg/yr.), high efficiency (25% to 30%); lowest annual capital ($0.1–0.14/ton) and
operational cost. Maintenance of methane emissions has a direct impact on national energy security
and mitigating potential climate change. It can be assumed that the increased volume of generated
methane, from increased solid waste in this landfill, is sufficient enough to be considered for new
standard landfill site construction with methane capturing facilities.
Keywords: (Bio-Methanation, Gasification, Landfill, Gasification IPCC default model, Municipal
Solid Waste, and Waste to Energy)
Recycling (Waste, etc.)--Zambia. , Refuse as fuel. , Waste products as fuel. , Waste management. , Renewable energy.