Factors influencing utilization of Natural family planning among child bearing women in Chingola

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Kabonga, Rosemary
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The problem of low utilization of natural family planning is worldwide. There is low utilization of natural family planning in all parts of Zambia including Chilonga. Natural family planning rank least among the family planning methods used in Zambia.The study sought to determine factors influencing utilization of Natural Family Planning (NFP) among child bearing women in Chilonga Catchment area. A cross sectional study was done in five health posts of Chilonga Catchment area between July to November 2010. Systematic random sampling was used with a sampling interval of 1: 5. Mothers coming for under five and antenatal clinics were interviewed. Out of 425 questionnaires issued, 411 were successfully utilized which gave a dropout rate of 3%.Teachers trained in NFP method were purposively selected into the study for Focus Group Discussions (FGD).A total of 2 FGDs, each with 8-10 participants were conducted.Data was collected using a structured interview schedule comprising of open ended and closed ended questions .The study sought to answer the research question: What are the factors influencing utilization or non-utilization of NFP among child bearing women in Chilonga? The study was analysed using SPSS version 17.0. Chi-square was used to determine the association of independent variables with the dependent variable. The findings have been presented using frequency tables and cross tabulations.The majority (74%) of the respondents had heard of NFP method. However, of the total, 58.4% did not know any method of NFP. Ever-used NFP was 50.4%, Current use of family planning (FP) was 38.4 % and most of the respondents (67.9 %) were in favour of NFP. Contraceptive pills were the commonest method in use 27.0% followed by NFP 23.6 %. When determinants of method of contraception were tested at 0.05 using Person chi square to see if any association occurred, it was observed that age and education were not factors in selecting a preferred method but that income and religious affiliation were factors. The majority of the respondents (72.8%) wanted to have more than 4-10 children. This means they did not know what impact large families will have on the poverty stricken households. There is some ignorance about NFP methods. Therefore, there is need to intensify Health Education in this area.
Family planning