Determinants of postnatal care service utilization among adolescent Women(15-19) in Zambia: An analysis of the 2013/14 Zambia Demographic Health Survey(ZDHS)
Mwansa, Melvin Kunda
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The University of Zambia
Background: Globally, about 287,000 women die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth
and 162,000 of these are in Sub-Saharan Africa. 16 million adolescent women (aged 15–19) give birth
every year around the world and about 95% of these births are concentrated in middle and low income
countries (WHO:2012). In Zambia the utilization of postnatal care services by adolescent women was
unknown while that of women aged 15-49 was about 63% (CSO: 2013).
Objectives: The study aimed at determining postnatal care service utilization by adolescent
women in Zambia. Specific objectives included determining the proportion of utilization of
postnatal care services, Comparing differential residential patterns in the utilization of
postnatal care and determining the influence of socio-economic and demographic
characteristics on postnatal care utilization among adolescent mothers in Zambia.
Methodology: The study was a cross sectional study that used secondary data which was
extracted from the 2013-2014 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey focusing on postnatal
care utilization. About 3,625 adolescent women aged 15-19 were selected based on a national
stratified-cluster sample design from which the collected data was analysed. Data was analysed
using STATA version 13.0 software and the type of analysis involved was univariate, bivariate
and multivariate logistic regression.
Results: Findings revealed that 76% of adolescent women were utilizing postnatal care services
whereas 85% of them were aged 15. Eighty seven percent of urban adolescent women utilized
postnatal care services as compared to 71% of rural women who utilized the service. There was a
statistically significant relationship between postnatal care utilization and the type of residence at
95% CI, (P< 0.0001). The results in multivariate analysis showed that secondary education,
second born child, rural residence and other denominations were the direct determinants of
postnatal care utilisation. This came to light because the above mentioned variables were
statistically significant in multivariate analysis at 95% CI.
Discussion and Recommendations: The utilization of postnatal care services by adolescent
women (76%) is lower than that of antenatal care services which is 96%. The study revealed that
the utilisation of postnatal care services were different across the adolescent age ranges and also
among different residential areas (rural and urban). The main determinants of postnatal care
utilization were secondary education, second born child, rural residence and other denominations.
The study recommended that health facilities institute adolescent women’s friendly corners were
adolescent women could get information and be taught on how to take good care of themselves
and their children.
Postnatal Care-Zambia , Zambia-Maternal Health Services , Antnatal Care-Beliefs and Practice