The role of traditional leadership in ending early child marriages for education: experiences from Kalonga Gawa Undi chiefdom of Katete district, Zambia
Daka, Harrison
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Malcolm Moffat Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education
This paper explores the role of traditional leaders on ending early
child marriages for education as panacea to the implementation of the
‘National Strategy on Ending Child Marriages in Zambia 2016 – 2021’.
The Chewa Chiefdom of Zambia was used as a reference point on the
role traditional leaders can play in implementing government policies.
The article focused on how traditional leaders through their chiefdom
structures discouraged early child marriages and supported girls and
boys to continue with their education. A case study research design
which was qualitative in nature was employed. Data was collected
using face-to-face interviews, and observation of various practices
among the Chewa people of Zambia. The interviews and observations
covered historical information on traditions and cultural practices;
including measures the chiefdom had put in place to ensure that all
young girls and boys in the chiefdom have access to education. The
article revealed that, in a quest to end early marriages and promote
child education, Kalonga Gawa Undi had put in place several measures.
These included; awareness campaigns, collaborating with support
groups, and revising some traditional practices such as the times when
Chinamwali and Nyau initiation ceremonies were expected to take
place so that they do not disturb school going children. Respondents
reported that, the measures positively reduced cases of early marriages
and increased the number of children accessing education. Despite
this improvement, lack of financial support remains a major constraint
to ending early marriages and promoting child education in the
Chewa kingdom. The article recommended among other things that,
chiefdoms should have partnerships with stakeholders such as NGOs
and government in supporting children’s education and discouraging
early child marriages. In addition, more publicity was needed through
various media; leaflets, posters, billboards in Chewa language and
community drama.
Key words: Child Marriages, Early Child Marriages, Early Marriages, Girl
Marriages, Education and Traditions, Cultural and Education.
Journal Article
Early child marriages--Zambia