An investigation in the life histories of adolescents girls with early pregnancies in Mazabuka district
Malambo, Nchimunya
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The University of Zambia
Adolescent pregnancy does not only come with obstetric complications but is also associated
with several social issues: poverty, low education levels, and the lack of awareness about sex
and pregnancy prevention. This study on the „life histories of adolescent girls with early
pregnancies‟ considered examining the characteristic of these girls through the narrations of
their life histories to try and answer questions like „who are these girls?‟
A qualitative study with a narrative approach was used. Data was collected using time-line
interviews for adolescents and questionnaire guides for the key informants. They were 21
adolescents and 7 key informants that participated in this study. The age range for the girls was
13 to 19 years old. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Sub themes and Major
themes emerged from the analysis.
The study revealed that these girls mainly come from socially and economically disadvantaged
families, due to death of their fathers, resulting to single parenting households. Poor family
financial position exposed them to child labor and school drop outs. They are at risk of being
raped by close family members, unfortunately they lack sex education and do not use
Adolescents with early pregnancies presented to have some common characteristics, of being
orphans, emotionally vulnerable, poor social economic family background, were sexually
abused by elderly men to heal from sexually transmitted infections and accumulation of wealth.
They experienced poor parenting styles, were victims of child labor and child circulation. Peer
influence was quite prominent. Five major themes emerged from their characteristics
Individual characteristics, family relations, Peer relationships, Social economic, Spiritual and
Community characteristics. Children who grow with poor family social and financial resources
may not realize their dreams for education or job can be hindered by early childbearing. Hence
the need to stop judging adolescents with early pregnancies but work together for solutions.
Key words; adolescent pregnancy, characteristic, disadvantaged family, sex education
Sex education--Adolescence--Zambia , Pregnancy in adolescence--Zambia