An analysis of factors that traders consider in determining the market price for common beans in Zambia's Lusaka district

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Kaputo, Mwaba Clara
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University of Zambia
The common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) are the second most important legume crop in Zambia and are mostly grown by small holder farmers in Zambia. Beans are a major and cheaper source of protein for both urban and rural people and are an important legume food crop which is widely consumed countrywide among most households especially the low income households. Farmers usually grow a wide range of bean varieties that vary tremendously in grain size, colour, and shape and plant growth habit. Over the years, a lot of effort has been put in research for development to improve bean varieties, so that farmers have access to better and more productive bean varieties. It is a known fact that farmers grow a wide range of varieties, and that part of their produce is sold in the markets, but very little is known about the criteria which are used to determine the market price and choice of certain bean variety in the market (Katungi et al 2006).A study was carried out in Lusaka district, aimed at analyzing the common bean characteristics that influence its market price. The main objective of the study was to investigate factors that traders consider in determining the market price for common beans in Lusaka district. The structured questionnaire was the primary instrument used for data collection and also informal interviews. Descriptive statistics were generated using SPSS. Excel was used to organize Outputs. The results showed that the following characteristics were statistically significant (at 95% confidence level) and have an influence on the market price for beans included: level of Education (P= 0.04); because the trader has market information. Cooking Time (P=0.029); this is because consumers prefer beans that take less time to cook than the one that takes long time to cook, Size of beans (P=0.02); because consumers preferred medium size beans to the large size beans and Colour of the Testa (P=0.0I7); because of customer preferences. These findings have several implications. In terms of seed breeders, these results may help them to improve on the characteristics such as short cooking time, medium size and dull colour of common beans which have a significant influence on price. Farmers should be educated about the varieties with characteristics which consumers look for so as to fetch high price for profit maximisation. Traders who want to make more profit should be selling beans with characteristics such as short cooking time, medium size and dull colour of the testa.
Student Project Report