Educational administration and management: issues and perspectives.
Mwelwa, Kapambwe
Sohawon, Mahboob Sooltan
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This chapter introduces you to Educational Administration and Management as one of the
most important fields in educational theory and practice. After defining some key concepts,
we begin our discussion by highlighting the historical development and theoretical
grounding of Educational Administration and Management as a field of study and practice.
This we do by shedding light upon the contributions of some classical works in
administrative thinking and scientific management to the development of Educational
Administration and Management as a field of study. Thereafter, we illuminate the
importance of Educational Administration and Management in the classroom and school
contexts. Further, we discuss the influence of Educational Administration and Management
on the relationship between education and the processes of national development in any
given nation. Finally, we discuss the latest thinking and challenges in the field of
Educational Administration and Management (EAM).
The overarching aim of this chapter therefore, is to equip students pursuing a teaching
course, novice and seasoned educators, managers and heads of schools and general
practitioners of educational administration, with knowledge of how the field of Educational
Administration and Management has evolved and highlighted its practical aspects as well as
its importance in the field of education and the nation in general. In the same wake, we
highlight how contemporary issues in Administration and Management such as evidence-based
educational practice, educational leadership and standards have been integrated in
the management of educational organisations in the 21st Century.
Mwelwa. K and Sohawon, S.M. 2019. Educational Administration And Management: Issues and Perspectives. In M.K. Banja (ED.) Selected Readings In Education VOL.2. Lusaka: Marvel Publishers. ISBN: 982-9988-67- 002-1