An Analysis of Defilement: Role,performance and Efficacy of the Law Enforcement Mechanisms and the Sopport System dealing with the sexual offence

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Zulu, Cynthia
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This dissertation was seized with the task of analyzing the offence of defilement in Zambia and generally ascertaining and establishing the structures that address the offence of defilement at the same time, the role, performance and efficacy of these institutions dealing with the sexual offence was established. The institutions that have been looked at are the police, the courts and various Nongovernmental organizations. It had been found that defilement is a very serious crime as witnessed from the importance attached to the fight against the vice. Due to the seriousness of the offence, the law on defilement has been amended to stiffen the penalties for the offence.Despite this amendment, incidences of defilement have continued to be reported as shown by the media, therefore, it has been shown in the research that there are a number of reasons that lead to the perpetration of the offence. All stakeholders and law enforcement agents have a part to play in the fight against defilement, this is so because violence against women and children requires an institutionalized, integrated approach reflecting effective coordination and collaboration between the various stakeholders, such as Nongovernmental organizations and law enforcement agents. Preventive and sensitization programs need to be put in place if the public is to remain aware of the offence. Such programs must be extended to public places as well. Despite a good fight against defilement, the institutions dealing with the offence face a lot of challenges in the fight against defilement, these challenges may be within their internal offices or in the communities. The main object of this research was to establish the roles of the police, the courts and Nongovernmental organizations in the fight against defilement. It was therefore established in this research that the role of these key players is indeed sufficient but these key players have to work hand in hand to be efficacious. In order to arrive at conclusions, the research was qualitative as it was desk research in which secondary data sources such as various legislation, legal commentaries and other publications including obligatory essays that have been written on the topic had been consumed. Primary sources such as conducting interviews with those specialized in sexual offences had also been used. The study therefore recommends that the government should come in and offer the key players in the fight against defilement assistance to enable them perform effectively. This is more so needed by the Victim Support Unit which lacks the much needed equipment and resources to help in investigations. Lack of resources of the unit makes investigations difficult and thus, making the public lose confidence in the police service. It is also recommended that the government should provide more office space to enable victims of defilement have privacy when reporting defilement and telling their story.
Sexual Abuse Victims - Zambia , Sexual Abused Children