Comparison of effectiveness of power point and prezi on students’ learning performance.
Daka, Harrison
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Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences
Introduction: Recent studies have showed that student learn more significantly by the blend of words with
pictorial outlines related to the topic than the words alone. So this avowal can be known as the interactive
multimedia postulate, and it shapes the foundation for using sight and sound learning. Microsoft made PowerPoint
in 1990. It is a PC program used for showing specific progressed content to target academic/social occasions of
individuals. In mid-2009 new freeware programming was determined and named "Prezi", which maybe supplant
the piece of PowerPoint.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the two presentation software in regards to their effectiveness by
measuring through the series of assessments after the teaching session in Knowledge acquisition and knowledge
retention test.
Material & Method
Methodology: This was a Quantitative Experimental study which was conducted in the Fatima Memorial college
of Medicine and Dentistry Lahore. The participants were 66 of final year BDS students who voluntarily participated
in the research project.
Results: A total of 66 students participated in the study and it was found a significant difference between the two
intervention groups regarding the mean scores of Knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention test. The
PowerPoint group showed lower grades in Knowledge acquisition and knowledge retention test in comparison
with Prezi group. The learning performances was evaluated from immediate learning responses in Knowledge
acquisition and in long term learning retention.
Conclusion: In light of measurable results and significant p-values. A noteworthy contrast was observed in the
knowledge acquisition test, and in knowledge retention assessments of the students allocated by PowerPoint and
Prezi instructions. The consequences of the distinctive sorts of test showed that Prezi was a more viable
instructional software for learning securing.
Keywords: PowerPoint, Prezi, Multimedia presentation, learning performance
Power point--Multimedia presentation. , Microsoft PowerPoint. , Presentation graphics software--Software.