Perspectives of school managers and teachers on the implementation of the eight-hour policy in selected schools of Ndola, Zambia.
Kalimaposo, Kalisto
Phiri, Evelyn
Mubita, Kaiko
Milupi, Inonge
Phiri, Chidongo
Daka, Harrison
Simalalo, Magdalene
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The University of Zambia
The standard working hours for civil service workers as stipulated by the International Labor
Organization (ILO) in most countries is 8 hours. The eight hour work day policy has been enacted in
the Labour Laws of Zambia as a guide for employers and employees. Recently, teachers were also
mandated to follow this policy as they are part of the public service. However, this policy has been
criticized by some teacher unions and the teachers themselves. The Zambia National Union of Teachers
(ZNUT) called on the government to implement the eight hour policy for teachers to promote effective
teaching. On the other hand, the National Union of Public and Private Educators (NUPPEZ) executive
president said that the eight hour policy in its current form was retrogressive to teachers. He further
urged the Ministry of General Education to seriously engage the teacher unions to help look into the
effective handling of the policy by both administrators and teachers alike. Therefore, this clearly shows
that the eight hour policy has been received with mixed feelings by the teaching fraternity.
A sample of 40 participants drawn from three public primary schools and three public secondary schools
was purposively selected and interviewed. The sample comprised teachers and head teachers. The study
was mainly qualitative in nature and used a descriptive design. Thematic analysis was used to analyse
data. The study revealed that of the six schools that were sampled, only two schools strongly supported
the introduction of the eight-hour policy. Two schools were against the policy while the other two
schools expressed mixed feelings. Generally, a large number of teachers felt that the policy was inimical
to the interests of teachers. The study recommended inter alia that the Ministry of Education should
improve infrastructure in schools such as staffrooms where teachers can prepare their work and relax in
a conducive environment for eight hours.
Eight-Hour Policy,
Teacher Unions, School
Teachers, Education
Teachers--Education. , School administrators. , Eight-hour policy. , Teacher unions.