Sustainable Development of Women in Chadiza: A case of the Kampini Association

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Musamba, Charity
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This report is the result of an evaluation on Kampini Women Development Association. It specifically looks at Kampini Area Development Association of Chadiza in Eastern Province, Zambia. The evaluation contains three levels of analysis. First, the communication structure in relation to decision making and paticipation are analysed. The second level of analysis is the economic activities pursued by the association as a means of economically empower themselves. The third level of analysis is the relationship between the association and the external agencies and the community in general. The findings of the report suggest that the communication structure of the association is inadequate. This seems to affect the level and manner of participation and decision making. Consequently, this influences the performance level of the association. Apart from communication, the economic activities appear not to be diverse. These activities are limited to the production of a few cash crops. A number of factors impinge upon the success of the economic activities of the association. They include lack of market, low prices in the case of market availability, high production costs and modem input,lack of adequate water supply and transport. The second observation in this dimension is that women focused on the external than internal market for their economic endeavours. The third level of analysis is the relation between the association and external agencies and the community in general. The women association seem to rely more on external than internal resources. There seems to be low use of local resources and promotion of local initiatives. This seems to create a danger of heavy dependence on external sources. Lastly, the association seems not to involve the general community in their programmes. The association seems to promote a purely "female environment" approach in development. This maybe one of the many factors which contribute to the generally poor performance of the association.
Women-Zambia , Women in Development