The national Anti-Corruption Policy As an Effective Tool in The Fight Against Corruption in Zambia
Kadango, madiam Nkhuwa
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The fight against corruption should not be static but dynamic as the vice is also getting more sophisticated. Many people have written about what corruption is and the effects on both society in any given nation and the international world. International aid is guaranteed on the basis of good governance. It is in this vein that new strategies have to be developed which would help in the effective eradication of this corruption. These new strategies are in addition to the already existing ones provided by the repealed Anti-Corruption Commission Act No. 42 of 1996 now replaced by the Anti-Corruption Act No. 38 of 2010. In view of the above, the National Anti-Corruption Policy (NACP) was formulated and officially adopted by the Republican President, His Excellency Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda on 2?"^ August, 2009 whose implementation is expected that there would be a paradigm shift in the manner in which national affairs are conducted as the policy is anticipated to inspire fundamental changes in the field of governance. Thus, the research paper will focus on the fight against corruption through the National Anti-Corruption through the National Anti-Corruption Policy and its implementation plan. The paper will not only concentrate on the provisions of the policy at national level but will go further to discuss and analyse the legal and institutional framework at national level as well as other regional and international instruments that are relevant to the fight against corruption. Zambia ratified; the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) on 7"^ December, 2007; the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption in 2007; and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol against Corruption in 2003. It is hoped that this research paper will bring about an understanding and appreciation of the National Anti-Corruption Policy and the level of its effectiveness as the implementation plan is being executed through the participation of all stakeholders at legal, institutional and social level. The approach to the fight against corruption through the NACP is more integrated and therefore the challenge lies on every citizen.
Corruption--Law and legislation-Zambia