Status of goat marketing in Zambia: The case of Lusaka urban small livestock market
Lukubi, Hambote Millimo Winford
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University of Zambia
This study was an in-depth investigation of the status of goat marketing in Zambia: the case of
Lusaka Urban Small Livestock Market. Therefore, the general objective was to study the status of
goat marketing in Zambia. The general objective was simplified into specific objectives which
were; to establish factors affecting goat marketing in Zambia; to identify goat marketing channels;
to determine profitability of goat marketing in terms of gross margins for producers and traders;
and to ascertain destination of goats in the export market.
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) has no data on goat marketing pattern and demand trends.
Therefore, it was vital to study status of goat marketing in Zambia.
The rationale of the study was that information generated would be relevant for policy
formulation, improving marketing and facilitating the manipulation of factors to the advantage of
the goat agricultural sub-sector.
The study employed gross margin analysis theory that provided the theoretical framework and
basis for studying goat marketing. Relevant literature was reviewed that showed knowledge gap.
The study was carried out at Lusaka Urban Small Livestock Market managed by Small Livestock
Association of Zambia (SLAZ). Respondents were purposively randomly selected as goat
producers, traders/stock agents and consumers. The data collected were coded and entered into
and processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. In addition gross
margin analysis tool was also employed.
The analysis of data revealed that goat marketing faced numerous impediments such as lack of
market information, disorganized market system, poor market infrastructure, distance to market,
and live body weight and healthy influencing goat price. The study found that producers accrued
higher gross margins than traders and that goats are exported to DRC. The majority of consumers
preferred goat meat and reside in high density residential areas. The majority of consumers had
monthly income between K250,000 to K500,000 followed by those earning less than K250,000.
The source of goats is Southern province, and traders mostly sold goats to meat sellers.
It is recommended that promotion of goat production and marketing of goats and its products be
increased; government to formulate deliberate policies lo support goat business; and need for
both public and private sector to mobilise and support production and marketing system of goats
by establishing efficient networking at producer to marketers level i.e intervene in goat production
and marketing thus eventually .stimulating the promotion of goat meat marketing and
Student Project Report