The challenges of the arbitral process in the resolution of disputes in Zambia
Botha, Nkhula
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The model of arbitration is not a novel occurrence; its birth can be traced as far back as the edieval times and has cautiously evolved for the proper management of justice. The arbitral ocess, there a number of challenges from the legal and institutional point of view faced by the irties. The rationale of this research was to demonstrate the challenges of the arbitral process in e resolution of disputes in Zambia. This research principally involved desk research and field search which entailed interviews with judges, advocates and scholars. This paper first traduced the concept of arbitration and then looked at the factors that have influenced the velopment and general preference of arbitration. In order to do this, research paper also sntified the challenges of the arbitral process generally. This was done by, highlighting the allenges from the legal and institutional point of view in a general context. This was done in der to appreciate the challenges in a broad sense before narrowing down to the specific challenges of the arbitrary process in Zambia.
Arbitration (administrative law)- Zambia , Dispute resolution (law)- Zambia , Mediation- Zambia , Arbitration