A Comparative Study of the Leadership Code and the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct Act No. 35 of 1994

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Mboma, Kafuba
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This is a comparative study of The Leaderhip Code and The Parliamentary and Miniterial Code of Conduct Act, No. 35 of 1994. It examines The Leadership Code in the context of the One Party State Constitution. Moreover, The Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct Act, 1994 is also examined as a feature of the 1991 Republican Constitution. This study consists of four Chapters. Chapter One covers the 19 64 Constitution of Zambia and relates it to the concept of "Constitutionalism. ' This is done by discussing Civil Liberties and The Separation of Powers as provided for in the 1964 Constitution. The rationale for such an approach is that it provides a background to the Constitutional amendments done since 1964 which culminated in the 1973 One Party State Constitution.Chapter Two dwels on the imposition of the One Party State. We begin by making reference to Constitutional amendment of 1969 and finally the One Party ntate Constitution of 1973. Chapter Three discusses the Leadership Code as a product of the One Party State Constitution. Chapter Four focuses on the analysis of The Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct "r-t of 1994. A deliberate inclination towards making a comparison he.tween the two Code is made. Finally, there is the conclusion in '"lien, some recommendations are made.
Politics and government- Zambia