Research on the management of records at the University of Zambia(UNZA)

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Tuesday, Bwalya
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The research discovers that maladministration of records(inefficiency and dishonest management of records) is rife at the University of Zambia (UNZA). For instance, 69.8% of the respondents admitted that there are incidents where records under their custody go missing. They also acknowledged that they often have difficulties locating and retrieving in time the needed records. There are number of factors responsible for maladministration of records at UNZA. The major cause of maladministration of records at UNZA is the lack of records management program. The University has not drafted and implemented a records management program. As a result, the university does not have a records management policy, a records retention and disposal schedule, manuals and procedures needed for the smooth management of records. In this regard, records officers and other university employees do not know what is required of them when handling university records. Many officers do not know the right retention period of records under their custody hence they dispose them prematurely. Records are not properly classified ,indexed and filed because there is no manual to explain how records should be classified, indexed and filed. The research also discovered that the non-involvement of records management experts in the management of the university electronic records is partly also responsible for the frequent loss of records held in databases, electronic mails and those records stored on secondary storage facilities such as DVDs, CDs and Diskettes. The non-availability of records management program has also resulted in records management functions not to enjoy maximum support from the university management. In addition, it has made it impossible for records management experts to work with their counterparts from the IT department in the management electronic records of the University. Maladministration of records at UNZA is further compounded by the absence of a competent middle level management office to aid the registrar’s office in the coordination and supervision of records management activities in the University.
Records management