Solid waste management : How effective is the legal framework in counterating the effects of solid waste management in Zambia?A case of Lusaka
Sibanda, Ellen
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The issues related to solid waste management are taking a higher level of awareness world wide.In Zambia, waste management is regulated within the broader framework of the Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act specifically Part VI of the Act. The EPPCA provides for the sound management of waste to ensure protection of the environment and human life. Under the EPPCA, the Waste Management Regulations of 1993; Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 71 and the Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (SI No. 125 Of 2001) provide for specific procedures and practices for waste generation, storage, transportation and final disposal. In addition, there is a Public Health Act of 1930 and The Local Government Act of 1991.'Industrialization and rapid population growth has become a major concern for Lusaka's environment. The rapidly increasing quantities of waste are generated due to these two factors. As a result, the disposal of waste will become more and more problematic as the amount of waste increases and the land available for landfill decreases. Lusaka alone as a capital city of a developing country has over one million people. Hence, this high population density results in the formulation of unplanned settlements.It can therefore be deduced that the existing waste management legislation, although comprehensive for most types of solid waste, is generally not enforced. There are also specific aspects of solid waste management which are inadequately covered by the existing legislation such as guidelines for proper management of hospital waste.
Refuse and refuse disposal-Zambia , Refuse and refuse disposal-Government policy-Zambia