An Analysis of the effectiveness of Zambia Competition Commision(ZCC),in Providing consumer rights Information: a Case study of first year students at the University Of Zambia
Musa, James Kaoma
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With the main objective to analyze the effectiveness of Zambia competition commission in providing consumer rights information to first year students of Library and Information Studies at the University of Zambia, the study randomly drew a sample of 30 students. 30 questionnaires were self administered. Responses were coded manually and analyzed using software- Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Found that students were aware of their rights but were not confident enough to exercise them. Attributed this lack confidence to; lengthy and burdensome judicial process and failure of consumer authorities to take heed of consumer complaints. Revealed that ZCC is unpopular, even worse its functions. Deduced that ZCC's mode of information provision is fairly effective due to its failure to engage critical stakeholders in information dissemination programmes. As a result, they lack legitimacy and social sanction. Illustrates that students have a positive attitude towards consumer rights and were eager to learn more about their rights. Found that students do not access information from ZCC. Recommends among other things: a radical sensitization of ZCC and its services; continuous consumer awareness in schools universities and colleges with an extension to traders; the need to simplify information for consumers to understand; need for a forum for redress and the need to make consumer information a public good and allay perceptions that it is meant for specific academic disciplines.
Consumer Protection--Law and Legislation--Zambia , Consumer Education