Transportation problems in the Northern Province, Zambia
Mulenga, Kaela
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Although transport is believed to be important, most developing countries do not give it the priority it deserves. In many cases, transport is completely neglected while in other cases, very little is being done inspite of the realization of its value. In this study therefore,the aim is to make a systematic analysis of transportation problems in relation to rural development. thereby hoping to provide convincing evidences as to why lack of transport can impede rural development. by trying to illustrate the roles of transportation in rural development, two things are expected to emerge: (1)in all cases where transport is lacking, there if bound to be a development loss in a way of the foregone rural development. (2)after the convinction that transport is essential to rural development, more attention might be paid to it. The study tackles rural development problems in the Northern province of Zambia featuring road transportation factors. Northern province has a peasant economy, with production oriented for subsistence although even few cash crops are grown. the agricultural output is still very low because of low productivity of both land and labor. the study therefore rests on determining: (a) the impact of road system on the costs of transportation, (b) the impact of the road system on agricultural development, and (c) the impact of roads on the approach to this study shows that if rural road transportation is not improved, then the general rural development in the area would be impeded.Social-Economic development Three things come out from the study, firstly, that the agricultural sector in Zambia is so much essential to the economy. secondly, that this sector although it has supposedly been of priority has not performed satisfactorily. thirdly, that if this sector is to be boosted, marketing system and the efficiency of farm operations must be improved. it is on these factors that 'feeder road improvement' creates an impact. the importance of transport system to the goal of raising agriculture output must be recognized. the study shows two major parts and interrelated effects of road transport improvements on agricultural development: (i) a communication effect, (ii) cost effect impact. the first effect refers to the fact that information (about technology, innovations, prices, etc appears to be more rapidly and accurately passed along when there is a good and reliable road than when thare is non. the second effects consists of savings in time and money cost. lower transport costs would result from good road system making it profitable for local producers as it would be cheaper to transport outputs and inputs to and from the markets respectively.
Transportation problems , Transportation problems in the Northern province of Zambia