Persons with disabilities and education: How adequate is the Zambian law in promoting education of persons with disabilities?

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Chongo, Chitundu
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The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the laws governing the education of persons with disabilities. It attempted to establish whether persons with disabilities are provided with equal and appropriate education as persons without disabilities. It then examined the laws and the policies governing the education of persons with disabilities. Through research, it was found that there is no specific legislation designed to promote education among persons with disabilities and that the general education system does not address the need for special needs education as this is not included in the Education Act. However, there are various pieces of legislation and policies which take into account the need for persons with disabilities to be provided with equal access to education. However, it was found that the laws and the policies are not adequate; as a result, persons with disabilities face a lot of challenges in accessing appropriate education. Considering the fact that persons with disabilities have the right to equal and appropriate education, the dissertation recommends that the Education Act and the various pieces of legislation must be reviewed to ensure that they adequately promote education among persons with disabilities and that there is need to have a specific legislation to deal with the education of persons with disabilities.
Special Education--Law and Legislation-Zambia