Farming Systems and Soil Management in serenje, Zambia
Chisha, Sikazwe J
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Under increased population pressures, extensive methods of
arable cultivation give way to intensive ones. The whole
agricultural policy area then becomes central in influencing
and further determining production trends and, consequently,
the farming system that evolves.
In most developing countries, political considerations1dominate
agricultural policy. Rarely is sufficient attention given to
the efficient use of scarce natural resources, let a'lone to
soil conservation measures. This neglect usually leads to lower
incentives to producers and to soil problems which reduce yields
and could eventually make cultivation uneconomic.
Extension methods are often simplistic and crop based, with
emphasis on yield maximisation. Resource poor farmers are often
neglected by extension services, nor do they benefit from cheap
agricultural credit.
Whereas the chemical fertility of the soil can easily be restored,
the maintenance oC the physical properties of the soil requires
continuous careful husbandry and conservation measures. Husbandry
practices that maintain maximum plant cover and raise the organic
matter content of the soil and thereby improve water and
nutrient a v a i l a b i l i t y , are seen as more appropriate than
mechanical conservation measures that are costly to construct
and maintain. Intercropping and rotations of maize with
legumes and other cash crops (each with an attractive incentive)
and application of agricultural lime is seen as a way forward in
evolving a more sustainable and efficient farming system.
This dissertation analyses, within the above framework, the
farming system and soil management in Serenje District - Zambia.
Whereas most analyses and examples are for Serenje, generalisation
could be made for other rural districts of Zambia.
Soil management. , Agriculture--Zambia , Agricultural systems. , Land use, Rural--Zambia