An examination of the International and National Debate on genetically modified organisms and the law
Nalomba, Nachembe Yvonne
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Zambia is one of the countries that has been faced with the question of genetically modified organisms. In 2002, Zambia was faced with the problem of famine. The United States of America through the World Food Programme offered Zambia a consignment of Maize. Zambia rejected this maize on the basis that it contained traces of GM strains. Swaziland, Lesotho, and Mozambique however, accepted the food.It has been contended that there is no evidence as yet to show that genetically Modified .foods are unsafe. In this context, Zambia could be said to have been taking precautionary measures. On the other hand, none of the countries that advocate for these foods can confidently say with assurance that these foods will not pose any health or environmental risks in the future. The debate rages on with some people accusing countries such as the .United States as trying to dump such products on the African countries especially those that have been hit by famine.This paper will try to examine the debate in detail. Zambia cannot remain aloof; hence this paper will tackle the national as well as the international debate. It will also go on to look at the role of the law in this debate. To be considered is the need for legislation that will regulate GMOs in Zambia and what the law should seek to address.
Food Microbiology-Zambia , Genetically modified Food.