The role of Kasisi agricultural training centre in providing information on organic to the small scale farmers in Kasisi area of Chongwe district, Zambia.
Mtanga, Naomy
Mulauzi, Felesia
Mwale, Ired
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Standing Conference for Eastern, Central and Southern African Library and Information Association (SCECSAL)
This paper presents the findings of a study that was undertaken to investigate the role played by Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC) of Chongwe District in Zambia, in the provision of agricultural information to small scale farmers in Kasisi area, with specific focus on organic farming. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in which data from forty (40) small scale farmers was collected using semi- structured questionnaires while five (5) members of staff at KATC were interviewed. The results revealed the different types of information that small scale farmers needed, their knowledge of programs offered by the training centre and challenges they face in accessing such information. The paper concludes with recommendations to help improve the dissemination of information to the small scale farmers, thus resulting in increased production and ultimately improving their economic situation.
Agricultural information. , Organic farming. , Small-scale farming. , Economic development. , Kasisi agricultural training centre.