Effects of varying levels of diatomaceous earth on performance and serum cholesterol levels in Broiler Chickens
Mubiana, Mary
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University of Zambia
The effect of inclusion of different levels of diatomaceous earth on performance of broiler
chickens was investigated. The variables being investigated on were weight gains, feed
conversion ratio, feed intake and cholesterol levels. The experiment comprised of 99 day old
broiler chicks which were randomly allotted to three different dietary treatments containing
diatomaceous earth. The control had 0% DE (Tl), and two different levels of inclusion of DE
2% (T2) and 3% (T3). The control birds were fed a diet without diatomaceous earth. The feed
given was weighed on a daily basis and feed intake was recorded daily. The chickens were
weighed every week and weights were recorded, cholesterol levels were analysed at the end of
the experiment (day 42). There were significant differences in weight gains among treatments,
with those fed on 3% recording higher weight gains. There were no significant differences in
feed intake between 0% and 2%, but a significant difference was observed between 3% and the
other two treatments (0% and 2%). There were no significant differences in FCR between the
control and 2%. Significant differences were observed between the control and 3%. There were
no significant differences in cholesterol levels between 0% and 3%, significant differences
were observed between the control and 2%. The birds fed on 3% DE recorded the highest mean
value (103.28 mg/dl) and those fed on 2% recorded a lower mean value (77.48 mg/ dl).
Diatomaceous earth increases weight gains, improves feed efficiency and feed conversion in
broiler chickens.
Student Project Report
Broilers (poultry) , Chickens