Local knowledge preservation and dissemination in Zambia: opportunities and challenges.

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Mwale-Munsanje, Velenasi
Mulauzi, Felesia
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Indigenous knowledge, has in the recent years, received a lot of recognition and appreciation. It has been observed that a people’s identity hinges largely on their worldviews including mores, traditions and values. Indigenous knowledge is a critical factor for sustainable development as it can be used to solve problems and better people’s lives. The empowerment of local communities is a prerequisite for the integration of indigenous knowledge in the development process. Just like any other knowledge, indigenous knowledge needs to be well preserved, constantly used, and adapted to the evolving local contexts. Since it plays a major role in promoting development in any nation, it is therefore cardinal that this knowledge is well preserved and disseminated for the betterment and development of a nation. The digital environment has created a lot of opportunities as well as challenges in the way local knowledge is produced, preserved and disseminated. This paper discusses the importance of indigenous knowledge as well as how the Information and Communication Technologies have impacted on the way that this knowledge preserved and disseminated.
Indigenous knowledge , Traditions. , Knowledge preservation. , Digital environment. , Information and communication technologies (ICTs). , Economic development.