Factors influencing male interest in the use of family planning : a comparative study of rural and urban communities in Monze district of Zambia
Muzyamba, Basila Irene
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This study examined and compared factors that influenced lack of male interest in the use of family planning between the urban and rural communities of Monze District in the Southern Province of Zambia. It discusses findings from married male respondents and participants of a focus group discussion.
Information was obtained from 380 men of which half (190) were from rural chief Choongo's area and another 190 were from Monze urban. To supplement the findings of the study, a focus group discussion of 12 men from rural were conveniently selected from Nteme Ward in chief Choongo's area while for the urban group, 12 men were conveniently selected from Monze Main Market. "The overall total sample for the study was therefore 380 men. The study was conducted from February to April 2001 with the help of four (4) trained Midwives in data collection. An interview schedule was used as a. data collection tool. Qualitative data was collected through 2 focus group discussions.Key findings of the study included the following:Age, education, number of children and residence^as some of the demographic characteristics that affect family planning services for both rural and urban communifies.Knowledge on family planning services and contraceptive methods were high for both rural and urban.
•A gap still does exist between Zambian men's knowledge of family planning and their practice.-XlllLack of access to family plamiing services, inadequate knowledge on family plaiming and desire for more children contribute to low use of family plarming services.Some men do not accept available contraceptive methods due to fear of preconceived ideas about the side-effects.
men who reported to be using modem methods of family plarming rely predominantly on their wives to use these methods.The condom is the commonest male method used. The use is higher in urban than in the rural due to adequate media advertisement possibly in the hope of preventing HIV/AIDS.
Inter-spousal communication was high for both rural and urban indicating a possible increase in family planning use in future. *
• From a policy perspective men involvement in reproductive health and family planning should be viewed as desirable not* only for equity reasons, but because programmes and health outcomes-for both men and women are likely to improve. This can be done by ensuring appropriate male services and information in the existing facilities and to support research on male attitudes and practice as well as other socio-cultural factors that affect the use of family planning. Following research fmdtngs, it is imperative to apply effective interventions so as to increase male interest in the use of family planning.
Birth control -- Zambia , Family Planning