Constitutionalism and Democracy: A critical analysis of events in democratic Zambia since 1996 to the present and how the events fit into constitutionalism
Mumba, Levis
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For a long time now, constitutionalism has not always been associated with democracy for many, constitutionalists are rarely democrats. However, by looking at the values that constitutionalism and democracy upholds, this author has shown that there are some commonalities. Therefore the scope of this essay is to show that the values upheld in a democratic state are similar tot eh values in a state practicing constitutionalism and that to say that a state is democratic is necessary to say it upholds constitutionalism. The significant of the study lies in the fact that constitutionalism as espoused by professor SA De-Smith has similar values with democracy. Therefore there are enough evidence, facts, information and data to many constitutionalism and democracy. There are practices by government officials and agents, which have serious supervision on whether or not a state upholds democracy and for constitutionalism. This essay has explored such questions as what should be doe to correct the situation. Why should state agents only allow the party in government to carry out political activities while denying the same lo the opposition? It has been shown that in order to adhere lo democracy and/or constitutionalism, there is need to reform laws both in the primary legislation and subsidiary), which laM's are undemocratic and because they are undemocratic they flaws] do not JA into constitutionalism as espoused by professor S A Dc-Sinith. Further the essay has exposed undemocratic practices which hinder fair play III the political and economic arena and has recommended possible remedies.
Constitutional history--Zambia , Democracy , Comparative government.