Shelf Life of Dried Vegetables

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Makumba, Chewe
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This study investigated the shelf life of dried vegetables, processed by the Greenhill Ulimi Women's Group. The objectives of analyzing the vegetables were 1.To determine the microbial quality of dried vegetables. 2.To determine the nutrient content of dried vegetables. 3.To determine the shelf life of dried vegetables.The dried vegetables covered include dried pumpkin leaves, dried cowpea leaves, dried luncomba leaves (delele), dried cabbage and dried rape. The research study covered two areas of analysis, that is chemical and microbial analysis. Chemical analysis gave information on nutrient content.quality and safety parameters like toxins and peroxides. The dried vegetables stored at 25°C were analysed for moisture, protein, fat, acid-insoluble ash, vitamin A, fibre and aflatoxins and the results are as shown in the tables and bar chart graphs. Microbial criteria are also used to establish product safety.quality and shelf life. Shelf life study, microbiologically was done at two temperatures. Some dried vegetables were stored at 25°C and 45°C. The 25°C temperature simulated ordinary room temperature. The 45°C simulated abusive temperature. Results obtained showed how these vegetables stored at these temperatures vary in terms of microbial quality and hence shelf life. The duration of study was 8 weeks.Some vegetables had results reported for storage at 25°C only.
Dried vegetables , Vegetables- Preservation