A review of the ICT subject implementation in schools : a perspective of Lusaka province.

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Nyanja, Natasha
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The University of Zambia
The study explored effects of the implementation of the ICT subject(s) in primary education in selected schools under Lusaka Province. The study used a descriptive survey design and a target population of 10 public schools. The purpose of this study was to review implementation of the new curriculum framework regarding the newly introduced ICT subject(s). Findings in the study indicated that various schools have implemented ICT in Education subject(s) differently, and low availability of ICT infrastructure in schools within peri-urban areas whereas; schools in urban areas have been receiving donations of computers from corporate firms and non-governmental organizations. Findings in the study further indicated that some of the challenges schools are facing in successful implementation of the ICTs in education subject(s) are lack of qualified teachers, inadequate resources and lack of electricity in some peri-urban areas. The study suggests that even though there has been steady progress in the implementation of ICTs in schools, a lot still needs to be in place if the country is to achieve a 100% ICT subject(s) implementation adoption rate. The study recommends that the government must organize and facilitate training of current teachers through workshops/conferences and make an official plea to corporate firms & NGOs for donations of computers. This study will enlighten key stakeholders on the progress made so far and aid in formulation of appropriate strategies to address full effective implementation of ICTs in the education system.
Information communication technology--Study and teaching , Computer-assisted instruction. , Computer managed instruction. , Information technology. , Information technology--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Zambia.