Solid waste management strategies in high density informal residential areas: A case study of Kalinglinga compound
Dauchi, Allan
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This study was undertaken in Kalingalinga Compound, east of Lusaka. It is one of the high density informal residential areas in Lusaka were LCC has stopped collecting solid waste and this has led to an increase in the waste that is left uncollected. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain what solid waste management strategies have been adopted to deal with the problem. This was achieved by interviewing 50 heads of households randomly selected and holding discussions with officials of actors in solid waste management in Kalingalinga.
The study revealed that the actors in solid waste management in the study area are LCC, Residents, ECZ and the Resident Development Committee of Kalingalinga. The role of LCC in solid waste management has changed from collection and disposal of waste. It mainly approves the participation of the private sector in solid waste collection and disposal. The RDC is forming private companies that will be collecting solid waste once LCC approves. Residents in the study area generate large amounts of solid waste while ECZ remains a regulatory body in terms of solid waste management. LCC and the RDC have formed two private companies that will be collecting solid waste in Kalingalinga as a solid waste management strategy. The study also revealed that households in the study area have adopted solid waste management strategies that are not environmentally friendly.
Solid waste management , Informal high density areas