Use of bait containing triclabendazole against Fasciola gigantica in a herd of captive wild impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Phiri, A.M.
Mudenda, N.M.
Luwe, M
Phiri, I.G.K.
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Cambridge University Press
Although the efficacy of triclabendazole treatment against Fasciola gigantica
has been shown before in cattle and buffaloes, there appears to be no published
report on the efficacy of triclabendazole in impala or other antelope species. As
part of a health monitoring programme at Mulungushi International Conference
Centre, Lusaka, Zambia, a coprological examination was undertaken to investigate
the helminthological status of captive impala (Aepyceros melampus). Of 39
fresh coprological samples, 46% contained F. gigantica. The source of infection
was identified to be a fountain within the grounds of the conference centre.
Lymnaea natalensis, collected from the study site, were induced to shed cercariae,
and were thus confirmed as the snail intermediate host. In managing this disease,
triclabendazole at 6mg/kg was administered together with the feed bait. Water
from the pond was drained; vegetation within it cleared and the pond allowed to
dry for 1 week before water was replaced. Three weeks post-treatment, faecal
examination revealed that the Fasciola had been cleared. To the best of our knowledge,
this is a first case of Fasciola spp. infection reported in captive wild impala
in Zambia and provides evidence that triclabendazole may be delivered to free ranging
antelope using medicated bait.
Journal article
Antelope , Impala , Wildlife--Private ranches