Integration of HIV and AIDS in higher education curriculum: a case study of an HIV course in the school of education of the University of Zambia.

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Daka, Harrison
Mwelwa, Kapambwe
Chirwa–Tembo, Pilira
Mulenga-Hagane, Mukuka
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International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)
HIV and AIDS challenge the human ethical and moral foundations likeno disease has ever done. It is undoubtedly one of the major catastrophes of our time, especially in Africa. The disease has tragic consequences for the social, economic and political life.The AIDS pandemichas affected every aspect of Zambian society and is recognized as the greatest public health challenge in the last four decades. Nevertheless, education can generate hope in the face of the epidemic using different methods, including integration of HIV and AIDS issues in the school curriculum. This article illustrates how the integration of HIV and AIDS into the curriculum in tertiary level of education has contributed to the reduction of the spread and has changed the perception of students and staff about the epidemic. In this study data were collected using a questionnaire survey of 200 students who took the HIV and AIDS Course, and three case stories from amongst these students in the School of Education at University of Zambia. During the course of the study, School of Education had been offering the ‘HIV and AIDS Issues in Education’ course from 2010. Findings showed that most knowledge, attitudes and opinions of participants changed positively from before they did the course to after doing the course. The three case stories indicated that the course they did positively affected their lifestyles and actions taken.
Curriculum--Integration--HIV education.