Perceptions of initiation instructions and parents on the role of initiation in character building of adolescents: a case of Mochudi village, Kgatleng district in Botswana.
Tuelo, Semme Ratsie
Munsaka, Ecloss
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International Journal of Culture and Religious Studies
Purpose: This study was aimed at describing the perceptions of initiation instructors and parents
on the role of initiation in character building of adolescents.
Methodology: The study used a phenomenological approach. A sample of constituting 20
participants; 5 male initiation instructors, 5 female initiation instructors and 10 parents who have
had their children going for initiation, all residing in Mochudi Village in Botswana. Purposive
sampling, as well as snowball sampling were used to select participants. In-depth face to face
interviews and a focus group discussion were conducted with the participants. The descriptive
approach method (phenomenology) was used to interpret data.
Results: Findings revealed that initiation transforms an individual’s thinking, feeling and acting,
regulating his or her perceptions of reality to conform to that of society, thus initiation can be used
to as a societal structure to transform and build the characters of adolescents.
An article on how initiation instructors and parents perceive the role of initiation rites in Botswana.
Character building--Adolescents. , Initiation--Role of.