The role of governance networks in economic development: lessons from Zambia.
Madimutsa, Clever.
Pretorius, G. Leon.
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The University of Zambia
This paper discusses the role of governance networks in economic development in Zambia. A
qualitative design was used to conduct the research. Both documentary and non-documentary
data were collected. Documentary data were collected from documents focusing on
governance, networks and economic development. Non-documentary data were obtained
from a sample of 19 key informants comprising five managers of public institutions and 14
union leaders. The findings reveal that the network model attempts to resolve problems
facing the public sector by emphasising collaboration among stakeholders and allowing the
government to rely on the private sector to provide public infrastructure and services. The use
of this model is driven by the ideas of inclusiveness and resource pooling. This includes
transferring the responsibilities of policy formulation and implementation from the state to
non-state actors. However, governance networks can be captured by private sector actors and
their international agents thereby promoting skewed economic development. This enables
capitalists to accumulate capital while excluding poor people from accessing basic services.
Therefore, governance networks need to be transformed to protect the masses against
capitalist exploitation. The transformation should focus on empowering the citizens, holding
the government accountable and ensuring that the benefits of economic growth are shared
Governance networks--Role of. , Governance networks--Economic development. , Governance networks.