Integration of HIV and AIDS into pre-service and in-service teacher training programs in Zambia.
Jacobs, James W
Mbewe, Simeon
Daka, Harrison
Chitanda, Rhodwell
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Ministry of General Education, Zambia
In an effort to determine what is being taught to pre-service and in-service teachers (PITs) in
Zambian schools, this study examined how effective TTIs are at implementing policy
directions provided by the Ministry of General Education (MESVTEE) and other government
agencies involved with the national response to the AIDS epidemic. Our report is divided into
four primary sections. The introduction summarizes the methodology and the study design.
The next section looks at the background and overview of HIV education in Zambia. Survey
results are then introduced and discussed according to the seven central research questions.
In-depth interviews with content area experts (CAEs) help supplement the survey findings as
well as provide vivid examples of policy suggestions. The final section summarizes the
findings and provides a list of suggested best practices and recommendations for the future of
HIV education as it relates to pre-service and in-service teacher training (PITT) programs in
Zambia. In terms of the study methodology, this section introduces the list of participating
teacher training institutions (TTIs), participant groups, instruments used, training of the
research team members, and instruments used for the study.
This research study examined the existing nature and effectiveness of HIV instruction,
relating to pre-service and in-service teachers (PITs) and teacher trainers in Zambia. It is an
official study of the USAID Read to Succeed Project (RTS) in Zambia. Findings identify best
practices of HIV education in teacher training institutions (TTIs)
in preparing teachers to integrate HIV and AIDS into pre- and in-service teacher training (PITT) programs nationwide
and in what is being taught in primary and secondary education curricula. This study
examined curricula materials that were taught in the 11 participating TTIs and which are part
of the national curriculum teaching requirements at the primary and secondary school levels.
Integration of HIV, Curriculum, Sex education, Comprehensive Sexuallity Education
Jacob, W. James, Simeon Mbewe, Harrison Daka, and Chitanda Rhodwell. 2014. Integration of HIV and AIDS into Pre-service and In-service Teacher Training Institutions in Zambia. Lusaka, Zambia: USAID Read to Succeed Project, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Zambia.