Designing a Business Information Service-A proposal for Zambia

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Namushi, Nyambe
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This thesis attempts to identify the role of LIDS,users of business information,sources of business information and goes on to suggest a nation wide business information service.The thesis begins with a general outline of background information on the economic situation and structure of industry and commerce in Zambia(chapters 1 and 2)This includes brief description of mining industry,manufacturing and agricultural industries,industry policy and legislation;the structure of para-statal and private sectors,banking and non-banking financial institutions,small scale industry developments and research development services.Chapter 3 analyses business information in Zambia based on a questionnaire distributed to the small business community in Zambia.The findings of this investigation are presented and consist of types of information used,difficulties of obtaining information,acquisition,and how informationis used.Chapter 4 discusses the providers and potential of business information obtained from various(ie government departments and ministries,professionals,trade and commercial organisations,chambers of commerce,research institutions,trade literature and training institutions).The fifth chapter debates the needs for a business information centre,advances the advantages it would provide,and gives examples of information services in four different countries.The role of international organisations in promoting services for industry in developing countries is also mentioned.The concluding chapters dwell on the proposals for the nation wide information services for industry(chapter 6);discussing possible options,the implications of establishing such a centre,and considers accessibility of information through provincial access points.It also considers creating an advisory bord,and the functions and structure of the proposed network.The thesis concludes with chapter 7 which draws observations and recommendations towards an information service for the emerging enterpreneurs to make economic and industrial diversification a reality
Business Information Service